Course Overview
crb830: Early Drug Discovery
Year 2, Fall Semester (4 credits)
This in-depth course explores the complex process of drug discovery.
Classroom and lab sessions will give you a comprehensive look at early stage discovery—from disease mechanisms and target identification through formulation delivery and safety pharmacology.
You’ll receive in-depth scientific information from faculty and special presenters from biotech firms, pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions.
At the end of the course, you’ll understand the processes, technologies, scientific principles and major challenges of the early drug discovery process as it continues to evolve.
Here are some of the topics taught in this course:
Session Topics from Fall 2023
Session 1: Introduction to Drug Discovery, Target Identification, and Validation; Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry in Drug Discovery
Session 2: Target Identification and Validation – Genomics; Genome Editing; Cell-Based Therapies; Antibody Therapeutics; Oligo and RNA Based Therapeutics
Session 3: High Throughput Screening and Target Engagement
Session 4: Structure Based Drug Design; Biochemical and Cell Based Assays; Drug Discovery Panel Discussion
Session 5: Metabolomics; Neurological Diseases and Drug Discovery; Optimization of Drug Properties, Formulation, and Delivery
Session 6: Drug Metabolism and Toxicity; Preclinical Studies for Toxicology and Immunogenicity; FluGen Case Study; Cell Based Therapies in the Clinic
Session 7: Drug Discovery Case Study; Vaccines; Final Course Discussion